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Artiste quotations courtesy of The Esplanade Company Ltd

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“It really does have a look of its own. It doesn’t look like any other arts centre in the world”
“…like the Esplanade because it has a very organic feel but its modern”
Peter Erskine (Straits Times Life! 22 Oct 2002)

“We congratulate Singapore…its an achievement in a time when many countries do not have or don’t want to spend the money on arts.”
“…… an important centre in the Asian arts centre……the developing region-at-large could prove to be the next site for a new renaissance in classical music”
Kurt Masur (Straits Times Life! 16 Oct 2002)

“……a major achievement, one that will do much to attract international talent to Singapore, every good orchestra will want to come here, while providing local musicians with a world-class venue to be proud of. The future of classical music is more in Asia than anywhere else”
Kurt Masur (Gramophone 18 Oct 2002)

“…… the Esplanade’s Theatre is one of the most impressive spaces to work in.”
British lighting and sound designers Chris Ellis and Mike Walker (“Forbidden City”) (Straits Times Life! 16 Oct 2002)

“What I have here at the Esplanade is just amazing…… the Theatre has got the very latest in terms of technology and everything is top-of-the-line stuff and they are all waiting to be used.”
Chris Ellis (“Forbidden City”), who has lit over 300 opera, drama and musical productions in theatres in Britain, Europe and the United States.  (Straits Times Life! 16 Oct 2002)

“Bruckner 7 with the LPO and Kurt Masur in the new Artec Hall in Singapore was one of the best performances that I have ever played in. We were able to explore all the extremes of dynamic and sound in the music totally confident that the hall would respond. Great performances like that only happen in great halls!” 
Simon Webb, Chairman, LPO

"Amazing Theatre, great hosts"
Ohad Naharin, Batsheva Dance Company

“I’m very grateful for the opportunity to play in such a wonderful hall!”
Sarah Chang (The Business Times 14 Oct 2002)

“The new concert hall (one of the Esplanade theatres) is a feast for the eye, a joy to the ear. Powerful reverberant acoustics with accent on high frequencies.”
Lorin Maazel, New York Philharmonic Orchestra (The Official Website for the Music Director of the New York Philharmonic) 

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Last updated: 04/30/03.