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The architecture certainly entertains. Two boxes inside two glittering, Faberge-like shells doesn’t sound much, but a combination of bold form and mostly delightful structural detail gives Esplanade a highly engaging physique. And from the first and second floor concourses, its dome structure is entirely beautiful. ….
But those canopies remain a dazzling engineering triumph.
Jay Merrick (The Independent Review 14 Oct 2002)

But beyond its distinctive appearance, the Esplanade signals deeper changes for Singapore, where efficiency, cleanliness and safety traditionally have trumped cultural enrichment.
Jayne Clark (USA Today 11 Oct 2002)

The Esplanade’s concert halls boast state-of-the-art acoustics unmatched in the region.
Rosana Gulzar Mohamad (Agence France Presse 13 Oct 2002)

By whatever name, Koh, Gore and an international cast of consultants from the United Kingdom and the United States (including Russell Johnson of Artec Inc., recent acoustical renovator of Toronto’s Roy Thomson Hall) have given Singapore an absolutely world-class home for music, theatre and dance.

By the time he came to conduct Bruckner Seventh Symphony at the conclusion of the second concert, Masur might almost be said to have found it, so gloriously rich and alive did his fine orchestra sound in this latest addition to Asia’s growing list of important, Western-style concert venues.
William Littler (The Star 26 Oct 2002)



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Last updated: 04/30/03.